this is me...

this is me...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


byk betul asgment...huhuhu...penat sgt nk siapkan n penin kepala,esop ader majlis asyura kt uitm....well esop nk blik kg.....beh nyer.huhuhu

Saturday, January 15, 2011


kenape ble kte dh syg seseorng,dia xkn lyn kte ngn baek lg???kdg2 ak nk je jd solo blik...hidup tpa aku tkt akn kesunyian...well cm yg orng tua2 ckp la..lau dh memeng dia tuk kte,mzti di permudhkan sgala nyer kan....well life must go on...u can do it bebeh!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

happy new year dan slamat menempuh taun baru

to my fellows,happy new year my dear..first of all...i just continue my studies at uitm kb for last semester and after dis i will finish my industrial training.......well happy2 sokmo...